Airwolf season 3 rapidgator
Airwolf season 3 rapidgator

airwolf season 3 rapidgator

Jean Bruce Scott played Caitlin O'Shannessy, a former helicopter pilot in the Texas Highway Patrol starting in season two. The first three seasons stared Ernest Borgnine as Dominic Santini, the owner of Santini Air, Jan-Michael Vincent as Stringfellow Hawke, a captain in the United States Army, and Deborah Pratt, during season one, who was the go-to person for Michael Coldsmith Briggs III, whose codename as Archangel and was the Director of The Firm, which was operated by the CIA.

airwolf season 3 rapidgator

The show often involved Cold War themes, such as the Russians developing a serum that can kill people instantly, an Israeli war criminal who was killed by a Nazi, the rescue of political prisoners held in Cuba and stopping nuclear meltdown in the Soviet Union. A high-tech military helicopter was used on various missions, such as stopping a traitor from giving a military fighter to the Russians in the 1980's television show, Airwolf.

Airwolf season 3 rapidgator